2016年5月22日 (22/5/2016)

Thank God, I had passed through a wonderful and fulfilling weekend. I thank you Lord, for giving me this feeling which is very different from the passed experience during the participation in the divine work. How should I say? Again I thank you for giving me the opportunity in members visiting, I have the chance to walk in to their house, and indeed from here I realized that happiness can be so simple. I learned few things from here:

Scenario I: Simple contentment
There was an old lady member from Batu 8 1/2 fall sick for some time, was absent during the Sabbath service because of having difficulty in moving around; therefore Hosanna youth decided to have a home service in her house... It was my first time walked into her house... That night with drizzly rain (it rained the whole day, can be called longevity rain), we departed from church, it took about 6-7 minutes to arrive her house; her house was on a mountain, on the mountain I noticed that there were lots of the native houses (aboriginal house); she got a lot of neighbor staying around her. This old sister house was built with wooden plank and small in size; in fact before I entered her, I have seen some of the native house but did not enter it. Stepped into her house, I can feel the warm in my heart (because it was rained outside)... By looking at her face, lot of questions pop out to my mind, wish to ask her but I dare not: did she has any children? Why I didn't see her children around? She married?

we are sitting in her living room and also her bed room

Scenario II: The joyful moment during the interaction between people
On June 12-13, our church will have an event of Spiritual Nurture and Evangelism; we will have a spring cleaning before the event ~ it was our church custom... It was also my first time doing the cleaning together with Tapah members, the feeling was very different... During the cleaning process, we chat together, laugh together and discuss the furniture arrangement together, the feeling was good ~ 
Very often we like to communicate with a gadget (phone) more than face to face communication with people, we neglected the friendship between people and care for people....


感谢主,又过了一个充实的周末。我感谢主您,真的让我在这次参与在打巴的圣工里有别于以往的感受 。怎么说呢?感谢您让我有机会参加了这次的信徒探访,让我走进了原住民的家,让我知道幸福原来可以如此简单 ,也让我学会了几件事:

事件I : 简单的知足
Batu 8 1/2的婆婆病了,行动不便所以没来教会参加安息日聚会 ,我们Hosanna青年决定到婆婆家做一个家庭聚会…这也是我第一次走进她的家…当晚下着毛毛雨(这雨下了很久,可以说是长命雨吧),我们从教会出发,大概用了6-7分钟的时间抵达婆婆家 …婆婆家在一个山上,到了山上我才发现这山上有好多的原住民屋子,婆婆有很多邻居啊… 婆婆家是一间用木板盖的房子,面积不大 ;其实在还没来之前,我大概看过一些原住民的房子,只不过没进入过他们的家 …踏进她的家却让人感受到特别温暖(因为外面下的雨让人感觉非常冷)…望着婆婆,脑海里浮现了很多问题,想问但都不敢问:婆婆没有孩子吗?为什么没看见她的孩子?婆婆结婚了吗?…


事件II : 人与人之间交流的快乐
为了6月12-13日举办的灵恩布道会,我们都会在教会举办一次大扫除~我们教会的习俗…这也是我第一次和打巴的原住民信徒一起打扫教会,感觉很不一样 …打扫过程中,我们一起聊天,一起笑,一起讨论家具的摆设 …这感觉真的棒棒哒~ 

很多时候我们都喜欢与手机交流多过面对面的交流,缺少了人与人之间的交情和关心 …

Kayu Manis Mamak(Tamil Muslim restaurant) is famous in Malaysia and it is located in Kuchai Lama; there are also other branches which is located in Shah Alam and Cyberjaya. Like other Mamak in Malaysia, it is famous with the Nasi Kandar. I personally prefer the roti telur and tosei, and I usually visit them once in a week.

Little Star Cafe, as one heard the name and will start thinking about the song of  "Twinkle twinkle little star"..... Yes, it is indeed a cafe with its themes like the song. Once you stepped into the cafe, you will see a lot of the cutie painting on the wall. The spacious and cozy space make you feel comfortable and relax.

The menu consists of hundred choices of food and beverages with affordable price, it is suitable to people of all ages, especially for the family. If you check-in to their social media page (Facebook) and tag your friends, you and your friends  will get 1 ball of free ice-cream. The friendly staff is always there and ready to serve. I enjoy to have my lunch here with my colleagues.

Sambal Spicy Fish Rice


Ginger Fried Rice

There is another branches which is located at:
No. 24, Jalan PSK 3, Pusat Perdagangan Seri Kembangan, 43300 Seri Kembangan, Sleangor

Don & Dak is a Korean restaurant in Kuchai Lama. The main course of the restaurant is the Korean style BBQ; and the meat consists of Don (pork) and Dak (chicken), you can choose either one or both according to your preference. The business hour is everyday start from 11:30am. 

The restaurant is not big but still in comfortably. During weekend, there is a lot of customers come for the BBQ and will be a bit crowded; sometime you need to queue for the seat. 

I like the lady boss, which is very friendly and nice to chat with her. She is always smile and ready to serve you according to your needs.

If you are not keen for BBQ, there are other menu for you like Korean ramen, Korean fried rice and etc. The price is reasonable and also affordable; I really enjoy eating here with friends.

Korean sausage and muchroom